Our customers sharing their love and thanks!

Exactly one year ago I was flown back home to South Africa from the Caribbean in search of desperate medical help. I was suffering from the Covid 19 vaccine injury . I was stuck in a wheelchair with excruciating pain from head to toe. I had swollen glands and a sore rash all over my body, suffering with arthritis pain in my joints and I could barely move. My doctor put me on one of the Supremo products then at my treatment facility they gave me another bottle which was different and it worked so well for me. I was fortunate to get into contact with Gene where I ordered more of his Supremo products like the liposomal curcumin , Supremo G & Supremo delux ect. I found my healing accelerated wonderfully. I was able to detox all the nasty heavy metals from the jab. The swelling in my body reduced. The pain in my body was less everyday and my body was able to absorb nutrients properly and I got my strength back. I am now on 6 of the Supremo bottles daily. It helps my body stay hydrated along with boosting my energy and keeping the swelling done . I have my strength and energy back. I am officially back at work doing charters on a yacht in Greece and I am so happy to move my body freely again. Thank you to Supremo for keeping my body healthy.” Jenna

Supremo Gold is die beste produk wat ek in ‘n lang tyd gebruik het!
Ek is ‘n baie besige ma van 3 kinders en oor 40jr. Ek het gesukkel met lae energie vlakke.
Na ‘n paer dae van Supremo Gold het ek dadelik n groot verskil in energie gevoel. My gemoed, fokus, en hormoon wanbelans het baie verbeter. Ek kry ook nie meer haarverlies nie. Ek oefen elke dag en kan dadelik voel hoe my spiere herstel. My stamina is soveel meer.
Ek voel absoluut fantasties!
Ilse B


In 1999 I went with my family on holiday to Zimbabwe where I managed to pick up a very strong Flu virus that, on its third successive occurrence, turned into Bronchitis. Every year thereafter I would be laid up two or three times each winter with the same story until I met Gene Lindsay who suggested I try Supremo G. That was in 2016 and I have been taking it ever since and for the past four years, I have not even had a cold and this year, I was able to avoid the corona virus despite being in very close proximity to my daughter who came down with it later the same day. I cannot recommend Supremo G strongly enough – it is an amazing product and I am so grateful for it. 


I would just like to thank you for bringing it to my attention that my body was actually dehydrated. (I never even realised it was an actual thing) I truly had no idea yet I was not feeling like myself. The amazing product I got from you (Supremo G & PQQ) made all the difference and my body was starting to heal. You have taught me a lot. Always try and go natural. Be good to yourself. I can guarantee anyone who is in need of these amazing products. Gene is not only clued up on these things but he actually cares about others. That is something very rare. 



Gene’s calm friendly and knowledgeable approach to the topic of physical / mental health and well-being was incredibly reassuring. In spite of initial scepticism, and in the spirit of open mindedness, I undertook a supremo programme along with Nano Soma. I was told what to expect – a healing crisis – and that is what I got as my body purged years of unhealthy living and shortcut health attempts. But I got something else I was promised – Freedom. This potion has set me free, and I feel stronger, healthier, happier and sharper than ever. Strongly recommend. Worth every cent. 


James Blythe



For four years I had struggled with fatigue as well as other symptoms from having an autoimmune disease. My liver was also struggling from the years of being sick causing jaundice. As soon as I started using the Liposomal Glutathione, it gave me the energy boost I needed in the day. The energy boost was noticeable straight away for me. My other symptoms started improving over time as I continued with my Liposomal Glutathione and changed my diet. It has become my much needed daily supplement and has truly been one of the additions that has changed and improved my health.


Rene Goldberg

Team Supremo all the way for me! I fell in love with what I call my Supremo Miracle potion through the first Lockdown in South Africa. After a few weeks of not being able to exercise and way too much alcohol and inactivity I started to feel a bit down and sluggish. A slight depression might have been setting in. Gene suggested that I try Supremo and after a few days of taking Supremo my mood started to lift and I started getting more energy. I now cannot go one day without my Supremo and can highly recommend this as an important part of any bodies daily supplement intake. Thank you Team Supremo for helping change my health


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