SupremOver Hangover Remedy 12 x 30mls



SupremOver is a natural remedy to combat the effects of over indulgence, containing natural ingredients with no sugar, caffeine or artificial stimulants.

SupremOver contains:

Glutathione: The bodies master antioxidant. Alcohol consumption creates a build up of toxins in the body, especially the liver, which creates the ill feeling associated with having a hangover. Replenishing the bodies supply of Glutathione helps nullify the effects of over consumption.

Curcumin: The super anti-inflammatory. The all to well known headache that is associated with a hangover is not only caused by dehydration but also inflammation.

Fulvic Acid: Super Hydration. Alcohol consumption leads to dehydration of the cells. Fulvic acid gets right into the cells of the body for fast and effective hydration and relief.

B-Complex: Nervous system support. B Vitamins are burnt up at an alarming rate when alcohol is consumed, which can cause horrible side effects such as mood swings and body shakes. Replenish the B’s for a quick and easy come back!

Vitamin C: Immune Support. Vitamin C assists & speeds up the metabolism which helps the body to get rid of the alcohol quicker.

These ingredients are combined together in a Liposomal form which enhances effectiveness and ensures absorption.

SupremOver comes in packs of 12 and must be kept refrigerated until use. For best results consume one bottle before drinking and one the morning after.



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